A Brief Yet Proper Introduction

Vampire tilting sunglasses down

Hi there, allow me to introduce myself.
I’m Luna Dahlia – the nightmare of your dreams.

Welcome to my dark little corner of the internet. I hope you’ll stay awhile, so we might get to know each other better.

Born in the big city, homegrown in the south; I’m a no-nonsense city slicker with manners as sweet as molasses. These days you can find me haunting Philadelphia, and wherever else the night wind takes me.

I’ve worn many hats, from body piercer to bartender to dominatrix, with a variety of other headpieces in between. Now I’m a little bit of everything as your new favorite GFE companion, offering The GhoulFriend Experience.

As an immortal creature, it can feel as though you’ve lived many lifetimes. One of the most important bites of wisdom I’ve learned in my years is to seek and savor – seeking connection and savoring experience. This is one of my internal driving forces and guiding principles.
Life is inherently full of pain, sorrow, and isolation – why shouldn’t we be open to explore with others, and indulge in the ecstasy of creating new experiences together?

I have always felt this inner hunger to eviscerate the natural tensions between myself and others, and examine the mess of our innards with a genuine passion and curiosity. I abhor prescriptive living; I much prefer meeting people and simply seeing where life takes us, without expectation.

Your life brought you here, to me, right now – shall we find out where our connection leads us?

I won’t blow my entire load in this introduction; there is so much more to discover about me that a single blog post simply cannot contain.

Stay tuned,
xoxo Luna


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