Happy 10th Lunaversary To Me!

I just have to take a moment to reflect on how grateful I am – and to celebrate a milestone.

June 2022 marks my 10-year Lunaversary! I’ve been Luna Dahlia for an entire DECADE!! What a wild ride it’s been.

So many different flavors of in-person and online work; modeling, panty peddling, webcamming, and domination/fetish facilitation are some examples. Now, I’ve found my perfect fit with companionship.

I’ve created an incredible life for myself that is fully aligned with my values, uniquely suited to my needs and desires, where my vast and varied experience, knowledge, and skillsets are utilized to their fullest extent. It fuckin’ rules.

That’s not to say it’s all sunshine and rainbows; there are very real and inherent risks associated with the path I’ve chosen. The fact that I’ve chosen it makes all the difference though. I can recognize that I approach SW (and let’s be honest, life in general) much differently than most. I constantly assess my risk and make intentional choices informed by that assessment, and while I take on a certain increased level of risk by my particular approach, it is definitively worthwhile to me.

Many SWers create a work persona, a separate identity that goes far beyond just using a different name for safety reasons. Many also prefer to keep their SWing life compartmentalized and totally hidden from their “real life” – this is often more of a necessity, and less of a preference, especially for those who are multiply marginalized. I completely understand and respect why other workers do this.

Frankly – I don’t have the time, energy, or desire to create a separate persona. I’ve made an intentional choice to show up to every aspect of my life as myself, for better or for worse. This is how I am able to find the people I organically connect with, which is exactly what I want. I may go by a different name than the one on my birth certificate, but that is purely for my safety. Luna Dahlia is very much me. It’s not a costume I don, for work or otherwise.

Authenticity is very important to me, and being fully committed to that priority has been wonderfully rewarding. I seek to make genuine connections, which requires a level of vulnerability and trust from both parties. I’m simply uninterested in superficial or forced interactions; what a waste of precious time. I crave substance!

When I talk about my approach to this business being different from most, I also mean that I don’t keep my SW life separated from my “real life” – all of it is my real life. In the context of shame, or lack thereof, I don’t feel the need to hide who I am or what I do from a single person on this planet. Anyone who matters already knows and is supportive.

Because I am so open about these things, I don’t have some strict need for compartmentalization regarding who I’m willing to see in this context. There are all sorts of people who reach out to book time with me – from personal friends, casual acquaintances, former coworkers, bar regulars, to people I went to high school with. I’ve even been booked by ex-partners of mine!

As long as you approach me respectfully, I am open to spending time with you in this context; most other social ties are a non-issue for me. I’m sure this is informed by the way I view relationships, and connections in general. I am unburdened by arbitrary social constructs that dictate who you’re allowed to interact with, and in which ways. I see human nature and our ability to connect with each other as incredibly fluid. You’re honestly doing yourself a disservice by limiting yourself purely in service of these constructs – I’m just sayin’.

The flip side of my lack of needing to compartmentalize my work from the rest of my life, is that I am actually able to fully indulge within the structure of our unique dynamic. I see many SWers speak about how “developing feelings,” whether SWer or client, is something inherently negative and to be avoided at all costs. Do I think unhealthy attachments are something to be avoided in all areas of life, both personally and professionally? Well, of course. What I don’t agree with is the idea that any real feelings shared in the context of SW are unhealthy – that’s absurd.

This is why boundaries are wonderful and necessary to openly discuss; they literally create the space where we can explore, indulge, and connect – authentically, if we’re both willing to show up as such.

Imagine being able to enjoy falling in love (and all of the wonderfully intoxicating feelings that come with it) while still being grounded in reality with healthy boundaries and expectations. I’m here to tell you that not only is it possible, it is an incredibly fulfilling experience. Might need to unpack some of your preconceived notions about what love means or what it looks like, but I promise you it is something worth thinking about – or discussing with me, over dinner/drinks.

I have made some truly wonderful and genuine connections with all sorts of people who book paid time with me. I cherish each in their own way! The transactional nature of the dynamic does not negate or “cheapen” the connection. If anything, I’ve experienced it actually strengthening connections. Yes, really.

In the world we live in, what is a more pragmatically meaningful way to support someone other than with money? Simply admiring from afar is not actually being supportive, other than in theory. It provides a “thoughts and prayers” level of emptiness. The countless heart-eye emojis I receive on a daily basis do nothing for me, while the person who books time with me each month does so much!

By patronizing my business as a SW, you are directly supporting my personal autonomy and financial independence – through a very unique, fun, and often transformative experience for you. It affords me the ability to pursue my hobbies and passions, and to take proper care of myself – which in turn, increases my overall happiness and allows me to show up as my best self to all of my endeavors. It’s a cycle that feeds itself; a worthy investment.

I can only pour a glass for you when I have a bottle that’s filled up

Until next time,
xoxo Luna


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